Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Do all dogs go to Heaven???

We had to put our dog, Kazi down yesterday. My husband & I are so upset and most of all sad. I didn't think that I would handle it like this. The sadness is everywhere & so thick in the air. I found our dog walking in the middle of the street 4 1/2 yrs ago. Brought him home with the condition that if he stays he would be my hubby's dog. Well, he stayed but he was never my hubby's dog. He was my shadow, my under-my-feet rug and my big head baby. Kazi would eat just about anything I put in my mouth but his all time fav's were cold gummi bears and red vines...if they are cold you eat them slower & eat less, or so we reasoned:) Also on his list were watermelon, red tomatoes, blue cheese and pancakes, with syrup of course! Hot Micky D's fries but he only wanted one at a could you picture a 80lb Pit Bull being hand fed one fry at a time.
We did indulge him but not spoil him. I am glad for the time we were given with him and hopefully, he enjoyed being our 'Big Head Baby'!
My husband feels that his spirit is out there in the big sky but my feelings are that GOD
doesn't say that. My heart is full of sadness & missing my shadow thou I know that he isn't suffering anymore.
He was a joy to have & just maybe he is up there running free & eating bowls of hot Micky D's fries!
the tears have started again so i will end this blog for now. Maybe I will add to it later...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

here is a great place to see great art & win a prize if...

you can link to her blog and do it soon cause she is giving away goodies for scrapping from making memories! One of my staples to use on almost every lo.

at her site you can ck out some of the latest CHA findings that will be at your local/online scrapbook stores. the rock, paper, trimmer from fiskars is yummy!

Deadline is July 31st so hurry!!

I am trying to make this a blog that is worth reading...

but so far I have yet to master the blogging thing:)
I have visited other blogs & think to myself why can't i type witty & interesting things to have my fellow bloggers read!
i think that it is because i get online my other projects suffer. i try to limit myself but just when the time limit is up i extend it....will have to work on that!!
anyway, i will try to be a blogger, i will try to be a blogger, i will one day be a blogger, i will be a blogger!
Create a beautiful world & live in it!